Common questions

How can I place an order?

Log in to “Login” in the top right corner of the screen and enter the requested data.

After logging in, you can access our Online Store by clicking on “Menu” in the header menu. A wide range of products are available here: Delicatessen, Frozen Foods, Bakery and Pastry, Dairy Products, Groceries, Beverages, Wine Cellars and Spirits, among others.

To add products to your shopping cart, simply select the desired products through the available menus and filters, or through the search in the top bar where it says “Search for products here”. When you find the products you are looking for, simply click on the "Add" button available on each product, as well as select the desired quantity.

When you have added all the products you want to your cart, you can proceed to place your order by clicking on the Shopping Cart icon in the top right corner. You will be redirected to a page where you can confirm and view the products you added.

To close your order, click “Go to check out”. Then, follow all the steps, confirm your details, delivery or collection information in store, and payment information before finalizing. Once the order has been submitted, you will receive confirmation of it in your email with all the details.

Is there a minimum value to place an order?

The minimum order value on the Isaura Francisco website, per delivery day, is €80. However, if you have already placed an order of that value, and it has not yet left our facilities for delivery, you can make additions with no minimum value associated, through a message on Whatsapp, indicating that you placed an order on the website and intend to add something. .

How do I search for a specific item?

To search for products, you can use the top bar where it says “Search for products here”, if you don't find what you are looking for, send us an email or message via Whatsapp, as we will help.

What products can I see in the online store?

As this is a growing site, you may not yet find all the products we have available in stock, if this is the case, we advise you to send a message to Whatsapp or via email, and we will be happy to help.

What prices are shown?

The prices shown include VAT, although they may differ from the prices you may find in person or through other sales platforms, as there are specific campaigns in each space.

What is the deadline for placing orders?

Orders for home delivery respect a deadline that will be agreed with the Store, normally 48 working hours (for Greater Lisbon).

In relation to Margem Sul, deliveries are generally made on Wednesdays or Thursdays, requiring you to place the order at least 24 working hours before this day.

Orders for collection in store can be placed within 48 working hours in advance of collection in store.

How can I request technical data sheets for the products I buy at Recheio?

The technical data sheets of Industrial brand products must be requested directly from the supplier of each product, as they are the holders of the information on the articles, through the contact details on the packaging, usually identified as “Consumer Service”.

Do you ship throughout the country and islands?

Yes, but to do this you have to contact us so we can check the shipping costs.

I am a private customer, can I buy from your Online Store?


Do I always pay shipping costs?

Shipping costs are free for purchases over €80 in Greater Lisbon and Margem Sul, in these cases, if you are unsure whether your area is covered, you can contact us.

In other areas you will pay the respective shipping costs.

What is the normal delivery time?

Greater Lisbon: 24 to 48 business hours.

Margem Sul: Deliveries on Wednesday or Thursday.

Other areas: Deliveries are made within 48 working hours after receipt of proof of payment for the order, and deliveries should take approximately 48 to 72 working hours after our dispatch (not being dependent on us, as it is an external company that carries out deliveries).

Do prices already include VAT?
Yes, at the current legal rate.